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New England’s Premier Organization OF EXPERTS WHO SPEAK PROFESSIONALLY

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NSA New England Social Media Policy

NSA New England Social Media Policy

    • The Member is personally responsible for the content he or she posts. Members must post responsibly and should remember to protect their own privacy.
    • Members must not publish any confidential or proprietary information on a social site.
    • Members must not discuss other NSA Members’ clients, vendors or other partners without their approval and should link back to the original source whenever possible.
    • Members must not post insults, obscenity, racial slurs or ethnic slurs. Members must be respectful when addressing sensitive subjects like religion and politics. Members must be aware of and respect copyright, fair use and financial disclosure laws.
    • Members should post information to social media/the web to contribute to the knowledge pool. Whenever possible, post content that adds value to social friends and followers.
    • NSA New England will use the Facebook account as an open group, available to Members (including Aspiring Members and Fast Track participants) and non-members alike.
    • Users will not use the Chapter’s website or social media sites to sell or promote their products and services.
    • The Board may, from time to time, establish additional social media and/or communications policies, including, but not limited to: passwords to websites, frequency and scheduling of communications to Members, and protection of Member information.

The Board, and any bod member, or an authorized admin on the account reserves the right from any social media group for any reason they deem necessary or appropriate.

Social Media Posting Protocol

Be professional: It is important that posts convey a positive, engaging attitude. How you conduct yourself in the online social media space not only reflects upon you but also directly upon NSA New England and its members.

Be respectful, professional, and please abide by NSA’s national ethics policy (link to ). Be sensitive to topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory—such as racial socio-economic or gender-based remarks. Always demonstrate respect for others’ points of view, even when they’re not offering the same in return.

Maintain confidentiality and privacy: Do not share confidential or proprietary information about NSA New England or its members, employees, vendors, etc.

Respect third party content: Be careful of copyrights, trademarks, rights of publicity, and rights of privacy in your posting, including with regard to userā€generated content. Do not claim authorship of something that is not yours. If you are knowingly using other parties’ content, make certain that they are credited for it in your post and that they approve of you utilizing their content.

Always let the subject matter experts respond and add value: If you come across negative or disparaging posts about NSA New England or its members, or see third parties trying to spark negative conversations, avoid the temptation to react personally, especially if the subject does not relate to your area of expertise. Contact the NSA New England Board of Directors to determine how/if to respond.

Know that the Internet is permanent: Once information is published online, it is essentially part of a permanent record, even if you “remove/delete” it later or attempt to make it anonymous. When space does not allow all content, provide a link so the message can be expressed completely and accurately.

Always remember you are posting on behalf of NSA New England when posting on our social media, so it is important to uphold and reflect our mission and values, as well as the values of the profession.


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Wellesley Hills, MA

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